TRON: LEGACY Official Trailer

By | August 29, 2016

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Tron: Legacy is available now on Four-Disc Blu-ray 3D/Blu-Ray and DVD Combo.

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TRON: LEGACY is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that’s unlike anything ever captured on the big screen. Sam Flynn (Garrett Hedlund), a rebellious 27-year-old, is haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his father Kevin Flynn (Oscar®- and Golden Globe®-winner Jeff Bridges), a man once known as the world’s leading video-game developer. When Sam investigates a strange signal sent from the old Flynn’s Arcade—a signal that could only come from his father—he finds himself pulled into a digital world where Kevin has been trapped for 20 years. With the help of the fearless warrior Quorra (Olivia Wilde), father and son embark on a life-or-death journey across a visually-stunning cyber universe—a universe created by Kevin himself that has become far more advanced with never-before-imagined vehicles, weapons, landscapes and a ruthless villain who will stop at nothing to prevent their escape. Presented in Disney Digital 3D™ and scored by Grammy Award®-winning electronic music duo Daft Punk.
Video Rating: / 5

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19 thoughts on “TRON: LEGACY Official Trailer

  1. Chiche Star

    Impresionante banda sonora los felicito "Daft Punk"!!! 

  2. Sid Desman

    The Tron:Uprising series is what this movie should have been like

  3. sportsguy002

    i saw this movie high! It was epic! Best movie ever!

  4. FlixTec

    Best film I've seen recently watched it 3 times now!

  5. Arga Brahmaditya

    That feeling when you return to your ordinary life after watching an awesome movie

  6. Björn Michalski

    @stnathaniel "The game has changed", track 08 from the OST.

  7. SciFly321

    Not too bad for a Disney movie. it plays the same premise as the original. The special effects and digital cinematography are entertaining enough to keep this film going. Plus, Olivia Wild is always nice to look at.

  8. pkConda

    @ChalupaExtreme hmm not sure. reminds me of philip glass though

  9. kacktustoo

    Teeeechnically it's never known whether he actually dies or not. 😀

  10. 833nirassi

    @gamez101 It can be clearly assumed he is not dead, if you have seen the movie.

  11. gamez101

    I don't get it, why does Tron die and no one cares about it in the movie?

  12. Perry Chau

    Does anyone know what's the name of the song they used in the beginning of this trailer (the instrumental part)? It's not on the soundtrack and I like this one as its much deeper

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