How to Knit Fingerless Gloves

By | September 10, 2016

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Let’s be frank—knitted fingerless gloves aren’t really about keeping your palms warm and your fingers free… They’re about looking rad.

Step 1: Tie slipknot & cast
Tie a slipknot, leaving an 8-inch tail of yarn after it, and cast on 24 stitches.

Step 2: Knit 15 rows
Knit 15 rows of two-by-two rib stitch – knitting two stitches, purling two stitches, etc.

Using a row counter makes it easier to keep track of how many rows you’ve finished.

Step 3: Knit 12 rows
Knit 12 rows in stockinette stitch – alternating between a knit row, then a purl row, etc. You should be ending on a purl row.

Step 4: Knit 4 rows
Knit 4 rows in rib stitch again.

Step 5: Cast off & tie
Cast off and cut the yarn, again leaving an 8-inch tail. Tie a knot in the tail.

To keep the wrist opening stretchy enough to get your hand through, be sure to cast off in rib stitch.

Step 6: Fold in half
Fold the piece in half so that the knitted side—the side covered in little V’s—is on the inside and the edges are lined up.

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Step 7: Sew top edges
Starting at the top, finger-end of the glove (where there are 4 rows of rib stitching), use a yarn needle and the knotted tail of yarn to sew about 2 inches of the edges together. Cut off the yarn, leaving a shorter tail of about 2 inches—but don’t knot it.

Step 8: Sew bottom edges
Starting at the bottom, wrist-end of the glove (where there are 15 rows of rib stitching), use the yarn needle and the other knotted tail of yarn to sew about 3 inches of the edges together. You should be left with a hole—for the thumb opening—in the middle your sewn edge.

Step 9: Try on glove
Put your hand in the glove with your thumb sticking out of the hole. If it needs to be bigger, take out a stitch or two until it fits. If it needs to be smaller, make another stitch or two. Now finish off the two sewn ends—knot the yarn, cut off the excess, and weave in your loose ends.

Step 10: Repeat process
Turn the glove inside out and—tah-dah!—you’ve just finished half your pair. Repeat the entire process for a second glove, or just rock one for that vintage ’80s look.

Did You Know?
Although Madonna “single-handedly” re-popularized them in the early 1980s, lace fingerless gloves were originally a fashion trend in the early 1860s.
Video Rating: / 5

15 thoughts on “How to Knit Fingerless Gloves

  1. sanaa Malik

    Those gloves are really good thx for making a video for it

  2. SSNitro Bullets

    umwell i didnt get at all cause she is not zooming in to show us

  3. musiclover123389

    i use a size 10 or 8 knitting needle it depends on the yarn 🙂 but they sure are saving my butt right now for xmas gifts lol 

  4. udara075

    Hi, have you seen Fat Blast Furnace? (just google it) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Fat Blast Furnace, you will discover how to melt fat fast.

  5. ForbiddenFish

    …. but you could always do a search on youtube so you can learn how to make different stitches, you know?

  6. Nicholas Chan

    Easiest fingerless glove I have seen to date. Definitely a next reject for me to try

  7. paula walsh

    Well, blow me down! And there was I thinking that Madonna invented lacy fingerless gloves.

  8. Crocheting Canuck

    Pretty much anywhere yarn/knitting supplies are sold.

  9. Crocheting Canuck

    It doesn't say anywhere that it's for beginners. Although I'm a beginner and i followed just fine.

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