Affordable Handrafted Hats & Gloves by Mrs. Parker Ridge

By | August 21, 2016

Hello my friends, today I wanna shoe you some very well crafted and affordable hats and gloves made by Mrs. Parker Ridge. Have fun watching!
For orders or questions:
Link to Mrs. Parker Ridge Facebook:
Link to Parker Ridge Youtube:

See also  Pinbo Baby Photo Photography Prop Crochet Knitted Costume Boxer Gloves Shorts

16 thoughts on “Affordable Handrafted Hats & Gloves by Mrs. Parker Ridge

  1. ManLand121 (Midnight121)

    She's gotta have a super back order right now…me and the Mrs. ManLand are gonna put in our orders in January…and hope to have them by next year…lol. Us…the is we both…really like the hats. Grey matches my natural fur lining…lol.

  2. thewayofthewoodsman

    Thanks for the review friend.  I love wool but I don't have any wool hats or gloves. I'll have to order something from Her. Src…

  3. Mike DeLucia

    Thanks Marc..You have always done great reviews,,whether it was a knife ,,Hammock,or whatever else…I',m Defiantley going to look into getting this…Great Job

  4. morgan roberts sr

    Excellent review Marc…..thanks for sharing. I will check them out.

  5. the mi woodsman

    Very nice work done by Kris ! they look nice and warm , great review as well !
    atb john

  6. Scruff UK

    Looks like REALLY great gear, perfect for the cold and somewhat miserable weather we are getting here. W hat a talented lady Mrs P-R is.

    Thanks for sharing amigo

  7. MountainRaider

    very nice gloves and watch cap Marc!
    take care and stay warm!

  8. robo hiker (robohiker42)

    Hey Marc, great review my friend. Sorry I missed you when you came to the states. I was gonna go to that camp meeting in Mississippi. but I completely forgot about it. I have been going through a lot with my divorce. but it's all over now so i'm trying to get back in touch with everyone. atb Tony

  9. Lee Ralph (Pathway to Self Reliance)

    Marc, the first thing I want to comment on is the video…Great work!! The color and details really stood out.
    Great review!! I will ordering some!! Funny thing, I kept thinking…I wonder if she makes soaks? LOL Not so much for daily wear but for wearing in the sleeping bag.
    Thanks for the heads on on these. ATB, Lee

  10. swamp fox

    Wow what a deal, I do crochet and there is a lot of work in a pair of those gloves and one of those hats. Also 100% wool you can't beat that deal.

  11. Windham Woodcraft

    can I get an Amen! haha
    I used mine for the first time at the Maine Primitive Skills School last weekend. It was cold and wet all weekend. The temperatures went way below freezing Friday and Saturday evening. I have to say they were Awesome. To have something so high quality for so little money is amazing. My wifey crotchets blanket so I am familiar with that type of construction and Krys' is top notch! I feel very lucky to have such great gear! Shannon loves hers as well. You Go Mrs. Parker Ridge!

  12. Dutch Knives and tools

    great hat and gloves ! They look very well crafted !!

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