By | July 10, 2016

Welcome back to another super mega awesome fan mail video, where SkyDoesThings opens mail sent by you! Today’s video features packages and letters from Jamie, Keith, Kele, and Faythe. Sky also answers questions from fans on Twitter. Jamie sends a letter and a poster to be signed (don’t worry Jamie, I know that the return postage is what the poster came in, even if Sky can’t figure that out), and he gets boxing gloves and fan art from Keith. Kele sends some stuff for Mason and a request for an unnaturally long thumbs-up-staring-contest with Corey. Red interrupts for a minute to steal a boxing glove and beat Sky up, but Sky retaliates by cutting Red’s finger with the prop sword and throwing art at him. Faythe sent some fan art and stuffed animals, and Sky moves on to his Q&A. He answers questions regarding Ethan’s tech cult, Nick’s walrus dilemma, Mason’s first birthday, Red’s amazing blue hair, Pepsi, Sky’s favorite anime, Bo Burnham, Sky’s favorite Bidoof (Ross), instruments and foreign languages, YouTube, Undertale, Insomnia, and then Sky loses it over Bidoof_Bot. And that’s it for this fan mail – thanks for watching, and thanks for sending!
If you’d like to send Sky some mail and maybe be featured in our next video, make your mail out to:
P.O. Box 6789
Bellevue WA 98008

Remember, in order to have something sent back you need to send packaging and postage, NOT money!

Red –

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13 thoughts on “FIGHT OVER A BOXING GLOVE!

  1. Megan Coulson

    I have to be gentle with opening this shoves sword through it

  2. Sugar JDM

    Hey Adam i have a question… When are you going to do another fanmail video?

  3. Gaming G

    Dude I'm gonna send sky all the super smash bro characters including Elsa for max and a real sword for sky to protect himself from max

  4. Kitty Whiskers

    ur way awesome-er…than cartoon network

  5. Team Platinumsaix

    Also, When ross came into the group, He said himself, In a video.. "THIS IS TEMPORARY" and stuff like that, dont hate on him for doing that.

  6. Team Platinumsaix

    I hate it when somebody wraps something so intensively with duct tape that even with the strongest guy in the world, You still cant open it o.o

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