Declining conditions in a government run hospital

By | May 3, 2016

Tororo, Uganda – recent
1. Wide Tororo Hospital
2 Casualty unit sign board
4. Various exterior of Tororo hospital.
5. Various patients waiting
6. Close up of baby with bandage on his head
7. Patients seated and standing
8. Close up of a woman holding a baby
9. Operating room
10. Various of medic showing operating theatre
11. Various of operating theatre.
12. Close up of gloves
13. Close up of dirty sink in operating theatre
14. Sign reading ‘Theatre’
15. SOUNDBITE: (English) Oboke Amos, Senior hospital administrator.
“I will tell you that operations in theatre, you will find when there is no power we can’t auto claim (re-schedule) so that we can have another another operation, that’s made our life difficult and also limits the operation because once the linen has been used you find that the next operation may not take place immediately, because the linen has not been auto placed (organised in advance) . You can see that a very serious set back. Now how do you save lives in such a situation. It means lives are at risk and of course once life is lost it means it cannot be replaced. ”
16. Hospital ward
17. Patient lying on bed in the ward
18. Hospital ward
19. Close up of a pregnant woman lying on bed
20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Hellen Opio, Nurse
“Power has affected water because as there is no power the machine can’t pump water up to this ends. And therefore the first source of infection prevention is to have running water and since power affects the running water, here our infection control here is really not up to date here because when you don’t have running water, you scoup water standing, is not good to do that with standing (stagnant) water. ”
21. Patients in ward
22. Woman and a naked child sitting on hospital bed
23. Hospital equipment
24. Women carrying their children at the hospital
25. Woman carrying a sick child
26. Close up of the sick child.
Oxfam has called on the world’s most industrialised nations to expand debt cancellation to more countries in order to fight global poverty, ahead of the annual G8 summit of the world’s wealthiest nations next month in St. Petersburg.
Last year, the G-8 members agreed on a a US billion debt write-off.
The NGO called on the G-8 finance ministers and leaders to make good on their pledges to boost aid in the education and health sectors, as they prepare the agenda for next month’s summit.
The G-8 countries are the United States, Japan, Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Canada and Russia.
Uganda was one of the 19 countries approved for debt relief by the IMF board in December 2005.
But conditions at one hospital in eastern Uganda remain inadequate.
Uganda is bordered on the west by Congo, on the north by the Sudan, on the east by Kenya,
In the 1970’s -80’s the country suffered a brutal civil war that caused major economic and social problems.
Since then the people of Uganda have made great strides in the economic and social development of the country.
Uganda has waged an enormously successful campaign against AIDS, dramatically reducing the rate of new infections through an intensive public health and education campaign, according to the UN report of HIV/AIDS published in December 2005.
However the local hospital in Tororo in eastern Uganda, still lacks basic access to clean water and bedding, plus endures an intermittent electricity supply, all vital factors required for the safe operation of the hospital.
Doctors and health workers are reluctant to operate as operating theatres are regularly thrown into darkness.
Oboke Amos, the senior hospital administrator patients lives are put at risk because of the lack of basic hospital equipment.

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