Hot sauce challenge… And it wasn’t even hot.

By | April 27, 2016

So, I am going to once again expose myself to the YouTube world. It’s been a while.
There are two great reason why in front of you. My two boys 😀
So, now we are going to start to entertain you. Whatever happens… So be it.
I am into many charitable causes and together with your help, we can spread the word of many important things…
Say no to drugs,
Epilepsy Awareness,
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Donor Drives
Blood Donor Awareness
and more of what you are hopefully looking for.
I am heavily in the music scene. I also have a few different businesses. My latest, Second Chance Clothing Vaughan is growing at a remarkable rate.
So, what I am doing is every month I am going to challenge all my viewers and subscribers to various wild, crazy, zany, fun, and outrageous challenges. Someone will randomly be selected each month, starting Thursday December 31, before midnight. They will win US funds for participating in the challenge.
The first challenge, from now to December 31, 2015, is the “SINGING IN THE SHOWER CHALLENGE” in anything Northface / North Face or lululemon Jacket, hoodie, denali, fleece, furry fleece, mittens or gloves, sweatshirt, boots, scarf, hat, pants…
1. Tell everyone you are doing the SECOND CHANCE CLOTHING VAUGHAN SINGING IN THE SHOWER CHALLENGE and the cause you want people to be aware of…. whether it is anti -bullying, saying no to drugs, bone marrow donors wanted in Canada and the United States, Mental Health Awareness…. “YOU ARE NOT ALONE” or something you want people to know about.
2. Step in the shower wearing at least one north face (NORTHFACE) item, or lululemon item and make sure the water is on… and start singing your favorite song… You may be noticed for your hidden singing talent… If your singing is bad…. REALLY sing off key. If your singing is amazing… give it all you got… You MAY get discovered by an agent, OR maybe you are already famous.
3. Have fun and challenge all your viewers and subscribers to do the video too. Make sure they qualify too… make sure they mention SECOND CHANCE CLOTHING VAUGHAN, is wearing one of the labels mentioned: North Face NORTHFACE or lululemon and they mention a cause they want people to be aware of and help out
4. Someone… it could be YOU! Will win US for doing this challenge. Yeah, we are going to be giving away free money.
5. The person will be notified January 8, 2016 We will use e-transfer or PayPal to give the money to the winning person
Video Rating: / 5

See also  Fingerless Gloves,Child Winter Gloves,Flip Top Gloves,Convertible Gloves with Mitten Cover By Cydnlive,Coral Velvet,4 Colors(Pink)

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