No More Sticky Situations

By | March 15, 2016

First let’s gather accessories that’s needed for one of the most popular summer vacations. Beach, camping, theme parks, any outdoor activity will benefit from the following kit made up to take care of all your basic needs and the ones you would rarely think of happening to you.

1 Always bring an extra outfit, shoes and bathing suit, you never now when a shirt will rip or shoes you thought were perfect begin to kill your feet.

2 Sunscreen: SPF 15, 25 35, whatever works with your families needs and skin tones.

3 Lip balm-the sun is known to dry lips and cause blisters especially if you have no SPF lip balm to apply to help protect your lips.

4 A first aid kit: band aids, alcohol swabs, Alka Seltzer Tablets, Tylenol or Aleve for sudden pains, Pamprin or Midol for female problems that like to creep up when you are having fun. After bite Sting Swab Wipes, and a tube of aloe burn gel. If on a cruise you might want to bring some motion sickness pills or patches or if you are going sailing or out fishing on a small boat and get sea sick easy, bring them along, they’ll be your best friend.

5 And if you do go on a cruise or sailing or fishing, bring appropriate life jackets for each member in your family as a safety precaution, most boats require them but you can never be too safe.

6 Sunglasses, like protecting our skin from the sun it’s important to protect our eyes and be sure to bring lens wipes or spray to clean lens during the day.

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7 Walkie Talkies or cell phones- now remember at some camping sites cell phones don’t work, I would check that or take a walkie talkie set just in case. Your kids may want to wander the woods or go off on their own to ride rides and play games for a couple of hours, this is your way of keeping in touch with them at all times.

Another popular vacation in the winter is going to the mountains to stay in a cabin and go snowboarding and skiing. You’ve never been skiing so what do you need?

8 Of course a first aid kit: band aids, alcohol swabs, bandage strips, Tylenol and Aleve for the aches your body will endower after trying to learn to snowboard.

9 If you have skies or a snowboard you want to bring them along it’s cheaper than renting a pair once you arrive on site. If you don’t own any than you can rent a pair or if you plan on coming back every winter I would check into buying a pair. You’ll need ski shoes and outfits and ski glasses for your eyes, to keep the snow from stinging your eyes and impairing your vision.

10 Bring warm clothing as well as a few lighter outfits to wear around the warm cabin. Snow boots, gloves, hats and scarves are desired at a location such as this.

For any vacation you go on always pack extra outfits, if it’s warm weather pack light and take a couple of outfits for rain and cool weather. If you are going to a cool environment or a winter vacation, pack plenty of warm clothing, with some light clothes and maybe light sleepwear for around the cabin or hotel, they can get a little stuffy. Pack shoes you know that you are comfortable in and if you buy new boots or sandals, wear them around the house for an hour or two every day until your trip to break them in. Prepare for everything that you think could never happen to you, assume that it will happen to you and pack for it.

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On a last note you can buy travel totes or kits at local drug stores and Wal-Mart’s to place your first aid kits and other emergency essentials. Instead of having everyone in the family pack a bag of extra clothes and shoes, get one big bag and put the emergency extras in that bag. But most of all have a fabulous vacation and be safe and enjoy time with your family and friends.