Gear Review | Bilt Demon Waterproof Gloves

By | September 16, 2016

Can a glove deliver for cold, wint4er riding? This one just might. If not, it has a 5 year guarantee! Here are my initial impressions on the Bilt Demon Waterproof gauntlet glove.

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20 thoughts on “Gear Review | Bilt Demon Waterproof Gloves


    I bought these gloves last winter as I ride year round for work rain or shine.
    First off I typicly wear a Large all though I'm borderline Med. for most popular brand gloves, I had to get Xl in the Demons and it's a good snug fit. They are warm as I've ridden as cold as 24° but still needed my grip warmers at that point.

    My biggest problem with these gloves is that it is not waterproof, I got caught in a storm and within 15 min. it soaked through. I started using camp dry on them after that and it will last 20-25 min. until it leaks through completely. You can't expect a whole lot for $40 but maybe a water resistant title would be better.

    Thanks for the review Dafobra.

  2. vac0002

    Seems like a pretty decent glove. Although, I use my summer gloves at 50 F. I use a similar glove, when the temps dip to about 32 F. Yup, I'm Canadian. :)

  3. LoudandDave

    I picked up a pair of the Bilt Techno's a couple weeks ago (waterproof, sort of the same thing as these gloves but leather)  for $19 on sale My fingers still get a little cold, but overall for $19 they are pretty good.  I have ridden in down to 35 deg with them so far, and was fine. 

  4. FZ8Panda Motovlogs

    Grabbed me a pair of these tonight at Cycle Gear based on your review. Kept my hands warm on the 35 mile return trip home on the expressway in 40 degree weather. I wasn't used to the bulkiness of winter gloves but got used to it quick. For the money these are the perfect gloves! Thanks for doing a review on these gloves. 

  5. Moncho_43

    Hey man! Thanks for that review i was looking for some gloves, this is very helpful.

  6. Mr. Motorcycle

    Yeah all of the bilt stuff is sub par in comparison to the larger brands, alpine, dainese, shoei, arai etc… but you are getting a fairly good bang for your buck and we have people come in all the time after being in an accident and they go back for the same bilt helmet they crashed in because it saved them. Now they are all polycarbonate so they are heavy and not as safe as a fiberglass/dyneema/or carbon fiber shell; but they aren't bad helmets they are all DOT and some are FMVSS and/or ECE 

  7. nater308

    I mean, i'm not as much a gear aficionado as you 🙂 But they are a little tight, and not much protection to speak of

  8. WheelsNotHeels

    Might just have to check these out! So diff to find a pair that still give me that tactile feel! As always, great review from you!

  9. dafobra

    good to know! I'll keep an eye on them.. for the riding that I do during the winter (not as frequent as spring-fall) they should fit the bill. I will keep an eye on the pads for sure. thanks for the heads up.. you ride safe as well!

  10. dafobra

    as long as they are comfortable for the temp range you are in and offer protection.. there is no real reason to swap.. unless you just like another pair.. :)

  11. tapsumbung81

    I have had these gloves for about a year now. Pretty decent for the price. Like you said, they keep your hands pretty warm, even sweating some if its above 45 degrees. However, since it is a relatively cheap glove, it comes with some cheaper parts. The velcro cuff on the gauntlet part starts to not stick as much after about 2 months of wear. And some of the finger pads and hand pad in the palm area start to get "stringy". Not sure how to describe it. All round good glove though. Ride safe man


    I'm wearing my leather snowboard gloves right now for the cold and have in the past. 

  13. nater308

    I need to actually buy a pair of gloves. The pair I use is a size Large from Joe Rocket that I got free with my bike. Once summer rolls around again, I'll see what I can find.

  14. Dbest1a Vlogs

    Subbed…. These are pretty nice gloves, especially for the price. I'm running heated, but I would love to pick up a set of these for when the weather is borderline. Ride safe/ride hard

  15. mrsparkyaprilia

    I like them because you can turn them on first/last thing of the day when it's cold, but as the day warms up just turn 'em off. Save having bulky gloves on when theres no need. I'm no hardcore winter rider but I like my creature comforts! Mine cost me $80 and fitted them myself. Happy days

  16. Zone Television

    Your assumption is correct 🙂 Been riding a bit in the rain. 

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