How to Waterproof a Shower with Ardex 8+9 — by Home Repair Tutor

By | March 17, 2016

How to Waterproof a Shower with Ardex 8+9 -- by Home Repair Tutor

Would you love a new bathroom?

Learning how to waterproof a shower is critical.

Especially if you’re installing cement board as your surround.

Cement board by itself is NOT waterproof, it will absorb moisture like a sponge.

Sure it’s way better than drywall in a shower surround.

But you need to apply a liquid or sheet membrane over the cement to keep it dry.

Today’s tutorial shows you how to apply Ardex 8+9 liquid and crack isolation membrane. This is a great DIY project and you’ll see how a professional does it.

My buddy Steve White who’s a bathroom remodeler shows you all the steps…I mean ALL OF THE STEPS.

We also address the space between the cement board and the top of the tub.

You should mount the cement board so that it rests on top of the tub lip. Then fill in the gap using Ardex 8+9.

Steve shows you all of the details in the video

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Thanks for watching my video, take care, and see you in the next one!!



P.S. For the complete tutorial check out

Rust-Oleum NeverWet, available at Home Depot, is a superhydrophobic spray-on coating that repels water, mud, ice and other liquids. DETAILS:

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17 thoughts on “How to Waterproof a Shower with Ardex 8+9 — by Home Repair Tutor

  1. Gee Dubb

    I'm partial to Red-Gard. Any benefits over Red Gard? I would imagine cost is one but interested in your opinion. Thanks

  2. Andrea Davis

    the point of a cooler is the double layers to protect the ice from melting faster. =_=;

  3. akaredcrossbow

    How breathable is this product? Sprayed on a cotton shirt or a breathable jacket will the garments still wick the moisture away from your body, or will it trap all of the moisture? Thank You

  4. Gitane Napier

    Damn Daniel back at it again with the white vans

  5. Ryan Roberts

    I can imagine how much this stuff is. $50 a can?

  6. blackandrej

    why is all white colour ? because spray changes the colour. do it with black colour t shirt. lol

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