Baby Rockers

By | November 26, 2017

Baby rockers are flooding with markets with so many new companies claiming to have the perfect product, today we are going to help you make a wise choice when selecting one that is right for you and one that will not compromise your toddlers safety.

Many new makes and models are created each and every year, as the stakes are high for the manufactures some of these companies are using cheaper and potentially unsafe materials in order to sell more units, if you are in the market for a baby rocker or baby glider than please follow our tips below to help ensure your toddlers don’t become a victim of cheap baby products. The reason I am providing these tips is due to a preventable accident that occurred to my child while he was one his baby seat / rocker just weeks ago, my 4 month old son was able to dislodge the safety harness. This has encouraged me to bring awareness to new mums & dads who may have over looked a few basic safety tips.

When viewing on-line or in store, do not get carried away just because the box looks nice, inspect the product in person if your are able to, some important things to take notice of, firstly make sure the baby rocker has been approved by your local council and meets the global standards. Secondly i believe you should make an effort to test out the frame strength as i mentioned before some new products have been slapped together with very cheap material and can break without much force. All baby rockers / high chairs / seats and gliders contain safety harnesses to prevent you child falling out, please i can not stress enough how important it is for you to check that these can not be moved or un clipped by your toddler, my son managed to unclip the harness and fall a good 2 feet to the ground.

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Again I am only trying to bring awareness to upcoming parents who may have overlooked these simply safety tips, I was inspired to create a website dedicated to Baby Rockers please check it out, as the coming weeks we will have some feedback from some of the top manufactures in the business and also review only the best baby rockers and gliders so that other parents do not have to spend nights in hospital for no reason.

Lisa – owner & writer for please support us and visit our site, Thanks