AMYIPO is SOLE AMYIPO brand seller! ONLY products purchased from AMYIPO are covered with AMYIPO warranty. You will own first-rate product with first-rate package, and best after-sale service. If you have purchased non-original AMYIPO products from other unauthorized sellers or fake followers, please contact the seller for return or warranty issues. You probably will have to bear inferior quality and packing, more than 15 days slow delivery time form China and weak after-sale.
- AMYIPO is SOLE AMYIPO brand seller! ONLY products purchased from AMYIPO are covered with AMYIPO warranty.
- For kids provide waterproof protection for all around cool weather use.
- Thicken warm fleece lining, which is super light and warm, windproof and warm as one set.
- Anti-slip design, All the design for kids.
- Sizing: XS (3-5 Years), S (6-7 Years), for more details, see product description below
List Price: $ 24.99