Changing Diapers in Child Care

By | September 17, 2016

Training based on best practices for diapering in child care.
Video Rating: / 5

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7 thoughts on “Changing Diapers in Child Care

  1. Johnny Junco

    good demonstration, please cut back on the running water usage though! Save the water for future generations

  2. Deanna Brock

    So an average of 6 minutes per diaper change, based on the length of this video…which doesn't take into account the squirming of a baby on the table or the time it takes to undress/redress (and the multiple snaps on some outfits). Oh, and don't forget the other children who may be needing your attention at the same time.

    If you have ten babies and each change takes 6+ minutes, it would take a solid hour to change everyone's diaper…and then it's about time to start all over again.

    I work with infants and we do follow these procedures to the letter, but honestly, I have to wonder about the people who came up with these procedures. I highly doubt they ever worked in an actual room with real live babies – at least not in one that is at the state mandated teacher/child ratio. XD

  3. jarrod cox

    I wish the baby would wear the same very peed and very poopy diaper every day. I wish the woman would bathe the baby with the very peed and very poopy diaper on. I wish the woman would keep the very peed and very poopy diaper on the very dirty diapered baby and never remove the very dirty diaper.

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