Gift of Gremlins

By | August 26, 2016

So this year, I bought the GF’s kids the film “Gremlins.” It was a big hit. Since about August they have been running around screaming in falsetto, “Mogwai;” the species name of that cuddly big eared creature named Gizmo.

Well, I decided to make the kids a special present…a Gizmo Hat and set of gloves. They were great fun to make and I think they turned out well.

After a bit of play they settled down and fell asleep with them on their little heads.

What fun it is to laugh and SCREAM……..GREMLINS RULE.

Jeremy Dumkrieger
Video Rating: / 5

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4 thoughts on “Gift of Gremlins

  1. DVincentW

    7 years. Ago. Wow this is so cute.. Best to you ☼

  2. SilkenWinds

    OMG those kids are cute!! It makes me want to be a kid all over again too, and watch the movie with them! XD

  3. adamholeszowski

    They rock dude.and your kids are cool for loving old school films also!


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