[Korean] [Full Movie] Baby And Me [Eng Sub]

By | June 25, 2016

A 2008 comedy movie starring Jang Geun Suk and Kim Byeol.
Video Rating: / 5

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See also  Baby Feeding

12 thoughts on “[Korean] [Full Movie] Baby And Me [Eng Sub]

  1. Phoenix frvr

    how cuteeeee…I loveeee this movie…my God the baby is so cute..

  2. Sunshine Jks

    Jang Keun Suk is the best actor in Korea. ^^

  3. LoveyDovey9000

    Omg this movie reminds me of the American movie with Adam Sanders 

  4. Khadija Iqbal

    Plz tell me the song playing at airport and also the singer name ..thnxx :)

  5. Olivia Mercado Dupagan

    cute ,,how old the baby now

  6. Inar Suminar

    udah beberapa kali lihat film ini, tapi tetep aja nangis….bagus bngt

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