Ultralight Cold Weather Gloves That Don’t Restrict Hand Movement

By | June 17, 2016

My hands often get cold easily. The problem is, I don’t like wearing huge gloves that make it hard to use my hands. I have found some great thin and lightweight gloves that can be layered and provide lots of warmth yet still allow full use of my hands.
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12 thoughts on “Ultralight Cold Weather Gloves That Don’t Restrict Hand Movement

  1. itsTKtrue

    could you name the exact produkt names somewhere?

  2. nickydark17

    Anything over 30 degress or so I almost never wear gloves.anywhere below 15 or 20 degrees I wear thinsulate work-gloves with a polyester glove underneath. anything crazy below zero i have some deerskin mittins I wear.

  3. James Fox

    Where did you buy your Terramar Body Sensing Glove Liners? I can't find the ones you showed in the video anywhere online. Amazon has some but they're not the same.

  4. dphotos

    Have you been checked for Diabetic issues? Hands that get cold easy are a symptom. Just a thought.

  5. dphotos

    I think you are over doing your gloves. I have one good set of liners and I have a real good pair of Grandoe ski gloves I use for skiing, snowboarding, driving and anything to do with cold weather. They are built very well, my hands never get cold and I can grip things very easy,

  6. jake grogan

    Earthling really love your videos. Been a subscriber for a long time. Keep up the great work !! 

  7. dopemop S

    Bit thin for me up in Calgary I do a lot of shoveling and ice fishing and like to use a glove inside a mitten. Are you planning on a Christmas giveaway? Also do you get to ice fish where you live? 

  8. Luis Carrillo

    Man…I really need some gloves for this winter, Great video! Do you have the link to the website for the first two gloves gloves? Thanks.

  9. symawd

    I really like the Seirus SoundTouch Xtremes.  They don't restrict hand movement, you can use a touch screen with them, and they keep my hands warm down to the 20s or so.  Add a liner and they are pretty much perfect.  They are also waterproof as long as you don't get water in the cuff.  The outer material holds a lot of moisture, but the inside will always be perfectly dry.

    They are what I wear when I'm out clearing snow off of the hundreds of cars at the dealer I work at.

  10. TheRagnaTBE

    This is a really good advice and product to push. I don't do much backpacking but I do do a lot of outside work(mostly shoveling snow and such) in the winter and I'm gonna get myself a pair. Thanks dude!

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