How to make fur mittens!

By | May 9, 2016

Many people ask me where I got my coyote fur mittens – simple answer is that I made them. No one makes and sells them anymore as it is pretty time consuming and expensive – but from time to time I will make a pair for someone if they ask nice:)

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13 thoughts on “How to make fur mittens!

  1. elaine s.

    so I am not a hunter, most likely never do this, no im not going to go crazy like some when it comes to save the animal crap i rather eat it then save thank you. those are beautiful mitts and all but I am curious on the beginning process to this point. is there a video on that?

  2. Keyes and Nebbins

    would it be possible to make like finger gloves???

  3. Trajen Russell

    i know but like a wolf or a coyote

  4. Sienna Wilson

    You should make rabbit fur mittens. There fluffy!!!

  5. Jake Peck

    did you tan your own hide? I've tanned a few hides now and I'm wondering if I have to put any chemical on so they won't soften back up when they get wet and ruin the tan.

  6. Αναστασης k.

    the people who wear this shit, are they happy for wearing a dead animal

  7. Paige Collins

    How can you wear these how do you seriously do this to an innocent animal


    Looks way better on the animal.

  9. dale struck

    how do you make the template for them??

  10. Marc Germain

    im a trapper and would love to learn how to ,make some mitten

  11. monsterblood2000

    Do you have the template still handy? I would love to make some of these mittens.

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