Just Stop Scratching – The Real Eczema Cure?

By | February 19, 2016

Discover the food that’s secretly causing your eczema: http://thetruthabouteczema.com/secret-food/

Hey hey what’s up?

I’m back on my roof out here. I’ll just show you a little of my view here in Thailand in Bangkok. And I’m handheld so if it’s a little shaky please excuse me. I’m trying my best to get some good light and a nice view which is always incredibly difficult.

Today I wanted to talk about something very important and that is a disturbing kinda trend that I’ve seen in the eczema community. Whether it’s on blogs or books that people are releasing or on forums. And it’s this notion that to beat eczema you can just magically decide one day to just stop scratching.

That if you just think positive or psych yourself up or think happy thoughts that one day you’re just going to wake up and then not need to scratch your skin anymore. And that all your problems are just going to disappear.

So there are guys teaching hypnosis and it’s totally bonkers to me because, for a few reasons. The first is disturbing to me because I understand at a biological level what’s happening inside the body and that there is a very good reason why you’re scratching and itching like crazy all the time.

And that is a natural process of the body. Not to go and try to deny that process because you just decide that it’s not a good idea is totally ridiculous to me. That’s like saying: “We don’t understand this tiny little weird organ in the body so we’re just going to take it out.” Like the tonsils or something.

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Everything in the body is there for a reason. There’s this thing called evolution which means over millions of years we’ve evolved certain traits to help us succeed and perpetuate the next generation. It’s all for avery good reason. Now for some people to go: “Oh you’re just some freak of nature, and for some unknown reason you’re itching and if you just positively think that you don’t need to anymore, you’re not going to scratch and then your eczema is going to disappear.”

Now, I don’t know if you’ve tried this but I remember trying it many many, many, years ago and it’s frankly impossible. When you’re itching, you’re itching and you need to scratch. There is no way you can not scratch. I remember I tried putting on gloves, putting socks over my hands, trying to restrain myself, think about other things, chant positive affirmations and all sorts of other crazy ideas, doing whatever to try and stop this itch that’s just driving me completely crazy.

And none of it worked.

And it hasn’t worked for anyone I know. And it will never work because this idea, this philosophy is built on a flawed assumption that this is all in your brain. That this is some sort of psychosomatic condition. Eczema is a real thing and it’s happening for a reason. And that reason is that your skin is helping take over the detoxification function mechanism of your body from your liver and your kidneys.

So when your body is in this kind of emergency state, everything in your body is chipping in to help out. And the scratching process, you’ll notice when eczema starts you get these little things called vesicles, which are tiny little pus-filled sacs, that appear under the dermis of your skin. If you look closely some of them are quite big and you can actually see them with your eye and others you would need a magnifier or something to see them because they’re really tiny.

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They’re orange or yellow pus-filled sacs, they look like tiny little blisters and that’s toxins. Look at your pee when you’ve been drinking alcohol or eating bad food – it’s orange. That’s toxins being expelled from your body. When you don’t have toxins your pee is clear. And it’s the same thing that’s happening with your skin. Your skin is helping expel these toxins that are building up in your blood and it’s helping to get rid of them. It’s helping to expel them out of the body and dispose of them in a natural way. And the scratching process help break those vesicles open so that those toxins can escape and leave your body.

So let me get to the point here. The real trick is not to stop scratching. It’s to stop the itch in the first place from ever occurring. So how do we do this? It’s very simple. You gotta heal the gut. The gut is the source of all skin conditions. There’s this thing called the gut/skin axis and without getting too deeply involved if you think about it, the skin and the gut are pretty much the same thing.

We are covered on the outside with this fleshy layer. And that fleshy layer turns into lips, which turns into that, which turns into gums, which turns into the tongue, which turns into your tonsils, oesophagus, and becomes more and more wet as it goes inside the body. Which then turns into your throat your stomach and intestines and all that.

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