Long gloves with fingers cut off

By | December 26, 2017

The past few seasons fashion stage offer us long gloves with fingers cut off. And not very glamorous, made of different materials: leather, wool, fabric … 

Initially priverzhantsami long gloves with fingers cut off were very informal people of different directions. Today, such an accessory – an essential attribute of glamorous beauties. And with the return of the fashion FLANMARK.com of the eighties of last century, these gloves have become the trend.

Long gloves with fingers cut off are a few names. But more often they are called gloveletty. In the U.S. the title is somewhat different. The “boom” or “hobo”. Both the name hints at the idea of homeless people and beggars, who are forced to wear gloves, torn fingers.

Glovelettynot hard to do yourself. After all, it is usual gloves with fingers cut off tops. Remained open upper phalanx of the fingers. So boldly take scissors in hand and create.

In the eighties it was just a craze for long gloves with fingers cut off. Gloveletty often have “ventilation” holes of various shapes and sizes. These holes were needed in order to avoid sweating hands. Fingerless gloves immediately became popular among bikers, skaters and cyclists. Gloveletty keep hands dry, is not lost the tenacity of the hands, and besides, these gloves can protect against damage to the hands during a fall. In today’s fingerless gloves perforation is purely decorative, it is a feature of classical glovelettov.

Due to the fact that the gloves http://www.flanmark.com without fingers often were representatives of the punks and metalheads gloveletty become a kind of hallmark of “bad” girls and guys. Many singers and musicians are just not part with this accessory. The musician-rebel Billy Aydolla had a favorite pair of glovelett. Gloves were simply covered with studs and spikes. Everyone is familiar with a “branded” leather glove without fingers of Michael Jackson. But Madonna has sported a playful lace gloves. While these gloves only serves to create the image, rather than for its intended purpose – to warm his hands. This situation changed with the British pop singer Nick Kershau. He once appeared in knitted gloves without fingers. Immediately crocheted gloveletty became immensely fashion FLANMARK.com able and useful addition. After all, this accessory is not only beautifies, but also warm.

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