Edible and Incredible Halloween Gloves

By | December 18, 2017

Wanna give your guests a laugh at the haunted Halloween party with some spooky and unique Halloween gloves? You know the scary things you see on Halloween party are hands that have been detached from their arms. This stems from all of those horror movies such as “Nightmare on Elm Street” and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” This craft makes hands that can be used as decorations or party favors. The popcorn filling is edible and you can even make these as treats to hand out to trick-or-treaters. Needless to say, the edible and incredible Halloween gloves have taken center stage and stand above other Halloween tricks.
Here we go, let’s take a look at the elaborate way to make some awesome Halloween gloves or Halloween Spooky Hands to impress all the little goblins on the very big day.
First, gather all your supplies.
1.  For the plastic gloves, you need clear gloves (non latex) and not powdered. These are food service type gloves or like those that come in the home hair dye kits. These bare- bones (excuse the Halloween pun) gloves are the very low cost gloves. You can get these at some pharmacies and some grocery stores. Most fast food restaurants use these, and you can sometimes buy them (or someone will take pity and just give you some).
2.  Candy corn is usually easy to find during the Halloween season. Most grocery stores carry it. Country stores typically have these candies year round.
3.  The popcorn can be home popped (very inexpensive). Microwave popcorn is fine. And, there’s always the option to buy bags of popped corn in the chip isle of the grocery.
4.  Ribbon from the fabric store is nice but more expensive. Gift wrapping ribbon works just fine and looks pretty. Orange and black go with the Halloween theme. Another option is yarn.
Then, assemble the Halloween Hands.
1.  Take the gloves and put a candy corn in the tip of each finger. These are the fingernails. Even if they shift around, they still look like fingernails.
2.  Next, put popcorn in the gloves. This is the hardest part. Take your time. Slide popcorn into each finger space with easy pushes. You do not want to crush the popcorn. Continue to fill until you have the gloves filled with about an inch of space at the top of the glove.
3.  If you use the optional spider rings which can be purchased online at stores like Oriental Trading Company, put a ring on one finger and then use small popcorn kernels in that finger first.
4.  Pull the top of the Halloween glove together and tie off with ribbon.
Anyway, whether you want to make treat-or-treat giveaways or need cute Halloween favors, spooky Halloween gloves or Halloween Hands work out great, just like the enticing Halloween gift. These scary popcorn filled Halloween gloves are easy to make, inexpensive and always put a smile on the faces of kids and adults alike. So why not give it a try and enjoy yourselves?
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