Kids rash guards like the body glove rash guard makes good summer sense

By | November 22, 2017

Kids Rashguard clothes are bought as a protection against skin rashes attributed to activities like swimming, martial arts, surfing, sports or simply due to sun’s radiation. Many of the kids have sensitive skins, which are prone to rashes on account of outdoor activities and the UV radiation of the sun. Before purchasing a kids rashguard it is of prime importance to be knowledgeable as to what to buy, and how to choose because you will be spending good money on them.

The material used for the fabric, comfortable size, made in reputed nations like the USA, quality of the product and the rash protection and UV protection or SPF sun protection offered by the garment. The following are the things to be considered before making the actual purchase of the kid’s rashguard:

· Material- The scientifically proven combination of 80% Nylon with 20% Lycra is the best for making a good kids rash guard garment. Be it a swimsuit, a sun protection shirt or other sun clothing, rash guards should be an ideal mix of Lycra and Nylon to protect the skin against the rashes that can be a result of sun, surf, swim etc. Rash guard shirts, boys rash guard or girls rash guard that have spandex and cotton blends are neither long lasting nor do they offer the correct protection.

· Comfort- Wear the clothes before purchasing it, so every rash guard, swim shirt or sun clothing you buy, should be worn and tested for comfort before the purchase is made. If bought online, ensure the company has an exchange offer in case the product is not fitting the wearer.

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· Protection- Any quality kids rash guard should give rash protection as well as SPF sun protection and the sun clothing that offers a 95% SPF is the ideal one for wearing in the sun. Every girls rash guard, boys rash guard should ideally protect the wearer from the harmful UV and UVA rays of the sun.

· Satisfaction- The product that is well known in the market or which has been tested by many and made them satisfied should be your choice since this ensures a protection against later shocks.

· Price- There is big brands and small ones that offer the same quality of rash guards and hence it is best to undertake a proper research and then make a choice.

· Country of origin- The made in USA is a very good indicator of the quality guaranteed. If the tag says made in China, you must remember that quality of the material or the manufacturing process are not their concerns instead they bulk produce for cheap labor.

An ideal kids rash guard, girls rash guard or boys rash guard should have the right material of Lycra and nylon blend that has a professional flat lock stitching for maximum protection from the sun, surf, swim, martial arts related rashes that are itchy, irritating and very uncomfortable to live with for your young ones.

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