Car Survival Kit / Emergency Bag: Knives, Shelter, Cooking, And More

By | August 24, 2016

Car Survival Bag / Emergency Bag

This is the bag I keep in the trunk of my car at all times. The opening of the video explains some of the thinking that goes into the item selection, and the end of the video explains the other items I have in my car for giving away and for specifically car repair. That said, watch, enjoy, subscribe, and comment.

Want to purchase EDC, tactical, emergency, or survival items? I’d be very thankful if you would use the following link to support Everyday Tactical Vids when you search for gear on Amazon:

Bag – L.A. Police Gear Operator Backpack
Patches – Pick Your Favorites
Keychain tape measure
Keychain thermometer
ITW Tac Links
Fixed blade – HK Conspiracy (plain edge)
SOL Emergency Whistle
Weight Bearing Carabiner
Generic ‘Altoids’ Tin
UCO Waterproof Matches
Bic Lighters
Magnesium and Ferro Rod
SOL Signal Mirror
Large Sewing Needles
CRKT Eat N’ Tool
Mini Sharpie
Repel bug spray
Clear 50 gallon garbage bag/drum liner
Mountaineering sunglasses
4 sticks of beef jerky
Travel, compact Bible
Husky crank flashlight
Streamlight Task Light
Black Diamond headlamp
Mechanix gloves
Hand warmers
Batteries in box (AAA, AA, C, and a small screwdriver)
Coleman meal-in-a-bag
2 Wetfire fire starters
3 pens
1 highlighter
2 Motorola Talkabout Radios
Small pad of paper
Blackhawk Roll-out Medical bag
Outdoor Gear dry bag
ITW XL Zip-lock bag
Trucker’s Friend Utility/Demolition Tool
Klean Kanteen and nesting cup
Wire — light and heavier gage
Zip ties
Small sewing kit
2 Large
50 feet paracord (high quality)
50 feet paracord (lower quality)
Banana Boat SPF 50 lip balm
100 ft. paracord
SOL Sport Utility blanket
Fleece jacket
Level-2 long-sleeved EMS shirt
Extra wool socks
Northface fleece hat
2 large, heavy duty rubber bands
Dental floss
Rubber bands
Swiss Army Knife
2 smaller needles
Potable Aqua (water treatment)
Poncho (red)
Wool gloves
Boonie hat
Neck warmer/sniper wrap
Dust masks (3)
Toilet paper
Duct tape (2 rolls/2 colors)
Hand warmers
Emergency reflective blanket

See also  Bug Out Bag / Survival Kit, Walmart Style: 72-Hour Bag for Hurricane Katrina - type situations

Want to purchase EDC, tactical, emergency, or survival items? I’d be very thankful if you would use the following link to support Everyday Tactical Vids when you search for gear on Amazon:

Here are links to some of my favorite EDC, tactical, emergency, outdoor, and survival items:

– 5.11 ATAC PLX Flashlight:

– Surefire P2X Fury Flashlight:

– Benchmade Griptilian:

– Blackhawk Roll-out Medical Bag:

– UTG Messenger Bag:

– Condor Messenger Bag:

– Bahco Laplander Folding Saw:

– Mora Companion Knife:

– KaBar BK2:

– Klean Kanteen Water Bottles:

– Corona Folding Saw:

– Schrade SCAXE2:

– Various Kinds of Paracord:

– Emergency Mylar Blankets:

– Survivor Fire Starter:

– CRKT Woods Chogan Tomahawk:

Everyday Tactical Vids: Thinking Tactically, Living Purposefully

Everyday Tactical Vids exists to help individuals become an asset to self and others in everyday life and crisis situations.

The 6 Core Areas of Everyday Tactical Vids:
– Soul: Asking the deeper questions of our existence and why we live as we do
– Body: Taking care of the physical body through fitness and medical care
– Psychology: Working to understand our own minds and the minds of others in crisis situations
– Skills: Applying knowledge to the point of proficiency
– Gear Selection: Choosing the right gear for the job or situation
– Location: Where am I and how does that impact all other 5 Core Areas

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Video Rating: / 5

See also  The Love Gloves - Baby What You Want Me To Do

18 thoughts on “Car Survival Kit / Emergency Bag: Knives, Shelter, Cooking, And More

  1. Sean L

    get a 12v battery and a ton of steel wool. Boom fire starter

  2. Life Force

    I was wondering – I see a lot of people pack Beef jerky or similar.
    My personal choice would be dried fruit vacuum sealed – I believe it last much longer and will not dehydrate you as Beef jerky will because of all the salts and such, yet it does the job of filling you up
    yes I tested on my self 🙂
    ps How much does your back pack weigh.?

  3. Ron Cascioli

    Thank you for the pro T reply. I am an old man but will use your video to build out a bag. Thanks.

  4. Ron Cascioli

    How is the LAGear bag holding up. I recently bought one and then saw comments that they fall apart. Thanks.

  5. Solomonster116

    To all the people talking about how the Bible is wasted space, it's not. Don't just look at it from a religious stand point. Like he said in the video, it's to distance yourself from the situation as well. Sure, you could take it out and pack more ammo. But if you ain't got anything to keep you sane, one of those extra packed bullets will end up going right through the bottom of your jaw. Especially if you are stranded out in the wild from a sudden traumatic experience. Your mental health is going to degrade quick. I don't care if you're some big bad guy who's seen lots in his life. It'll take it's toll. Survival isn't just physical. It's mental as well. Gotta keep down to earth if you wanna live.

  6. Denis Greatens

    Thank you. I have been meaning to comment on this video. Your video was the beginning of my ramping up my car survival kit and being more aware of what i might need. Thank you!

  7. virtual UPSB

    i like the bible, great idea. love the video i cant wait to built my own :)

  8. Harper

    I like that you considered helping other, bless you man,

    Get a solar charger (or check out a Biolite stove) SOL survival bivvys (two person is good for helping with hyperthermia, in fact save your hand warmers for this type of event) find a smaller way to transport your batteries, more water either another bottle or hydration bladder, and more food (try instant soups and noodles drinking chocolate etc, dehydrated ) btw you can get Dynamo headlights, try hunting eBay etc, for your medic kit, fire making get a lens, and refillable lighters both liquid and gas, (and a pencil sharper, metal,) get some long life candles 6+ hour, and a folding stove, leather gloves don't melt when they get hot so are useful, think about better space efficiently, if you were in the field you would wish you had carried more food (should have had the fleece outside etc)

  9. ruben cervantes

    add benadryl helps with allergic reactions

  10. ozz mann

    I'm not a medical professional by any means, but I have to go through MSHA certification every year, and the part you mentioned about your kneel feeling like it controls your body temp is true. Under a scenario where someone has heat stress they teach you to put cold or wet cloths around the neck which in essence acts like a radiator to your blood sucking out the heat from your arteries which pump to your brain, and logically I would assume it would be the same for heating up your body. I just wanted to add my 2 cents to a very well stated point

  11. Practical Readiness

    Hey Tim, nice pick on the bandanas with medical tips printed on them. I haven't thought of that before, but that's a nice multipurpose benefit. Can you post where you sourced those? Having a hard time finding them and I'd love to have some. Thanks.

  12. Someone Else

    Mate. The bible is a big book. Just put it on a kindle which takes up next to zero space, has a battery life which lasts for weeks, and can contain as many books as you could ever read.

  13. corostylor

    a bible???? OMG it is one of the best products to make fire……please….if you are a pastor, be inteligent and pray, but use that space for something useful.

  14. THX 1138

    Weapons strapped to the outside of your bag is asking for trouble. It basically says look a weapon, this guy needs to be dealt with.

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