Materiel Services Tipping Our Hats for Charity – Dancing for the Cure

By | May 8, 2016

The Materiel Services Department at the University of Michigan Health System is responsible for meeting the supply, sterilization, equipment, transportation/lift and postal needs of the organization. This team of dedicated and caring individuals is committed to “supporting hands that heal”. During their annual profession recognition week,they include doing something for the community, For 2010, they decided to produce their own dance video similar to the Pink Glove video produced by a medical distributor. One of their supervisors agreed to coordinate the project and one of their stock keepers taped,edited and produced the DVD. Each unit of the department was then charged to create their own unique dance and routine. This was a wonderful opportunity for staff to come together, have some fun plus they raised 0 for the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Breast Cancer Research Program and donated the props they used to Mott Child Life.

If you would like to donate please visit the link below.
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